III Conference on Andalusian e-Science


Paper: Parsalyzer, a new tool for improving Internet searchesPonencia:
Author: Fernando Moreno-Torres Camy (MTC SOFT)
The amount of information available on Internet is so huge that keyword searches return so many erroneous documents that it makes them ineffective, especially in cases which use common search terms. A solution to this problem is to “enrich” the texts before indexing them, so as the additional information can be used to elaborate more selective indexes which give search engines greater filtering possibilities.
By using an exhausting linguistic analysis we’ve developed a computer program, PARSALYSER, which effectively labels every word with its linguistic attributes. PARSALYZER achieves this labelling automatically and at a very low computational cost. The texts enriched with this software represent a much more valuable raw material than simple plain text without attributes.
They open up a whole set of new possibilities, among them the filtering of Internet searches.

On October 27, 2009, MTC Soft, a small Spanish software company based in Granada, Spain, presented the commercial version of their latest product in their home town. VICTOR Translator is a new English-to-Spanish machine-translation program.

In a half-hour presentation Fernando Moreno-Torres, CEO of MTC Soft, explained the most innovative aspects of the new product. Based on an exhaustive linguistic analysis of English texts, the program yields translations which set a new benchmark for automatic translating.

Moreno-Torres’ presentation included, of course, demonstrations of real-time translations done by VICTOR, permitting the audience of academics and translation professionals to see the difference for themselves.

Don Jesús Quero, Director of the Granada Tecnological Park for Health Sciences, introduced the presentation, citing the origins of the project, which he knows well, as he formed part of the jury with awarded MTC Soft with the prize for the best R+D+i project in the first edition of the Andalusian Information Society Prizes.

For more information please phone:  +34958.215.280 or email direccion@mtcsoft.es

Last October 17 VICTOR Translator was officially presented to the translating community as part of the program of the Machine Translation, Past, Present and Future Conference organized by proz.com in Barcelona.

After four years of development work the academics and translation experts attending the conference could see this new product for themselves discovering that it represents an authentic revolution in machine-translation quality.

In a half-hour presentation Fernando Moreno-Torres, CEO of MTC Soft, explained the most innovative aspects of the new product. Based on an exhaustive linguistic analysis of English texts, the program yields translations which set a new benchmark for automatic translating. The most avid of those present had the opportunity to try the program personally.

Last May 30 we  presented the Beta version of VICTOR Translator, the new English-to-Spanish machine translator which we created for the translation firm, Berca Translator.

The presentation took place in the auditorium of the new offices of the Granada Chamber of Commerce with an audience of academics and translation professionals.

The new translator (“VICTOR” for friends) had aroused a lot of interest in professional translation circles due to its innovative approach to creating a new machine translator.

Our director, Fernando Moreno-Torres, explained why interest was running so high: “Until now nobody had achieved a machine translator capable of undertaking professional translation work. In order to do so we had to start again from zero with a new analysis of the problem.”
This new analysis came from a professional translator and linguist with more than 20 years’ experience in the European Commission in Brussels. “Her contribution of linguistic analysis was the key to the whole project.” said Moreno-Torres, “permitting us to create an automatic translator which is significantly superior to those that have gone before. We’re talking about results on the order of 95% correct, and rising.”

The presentation of the product – that took place after 4-year experience working VICTOR Translator’s development – was presented by Moreno-Torres. Translators, academicians, businessmen and authorities were fascinated by this presentation.

It consisted of a theoretical part that Moreno made more interesting with explanations and diagrams of the product creation process, and also of a practical part where VICTOR demonstrated all of its might with live translations of unusual subtlety.

The interest, that VICTOR was aroused among attendants, was became clear when the speaker had to answer so many questions after finishing his speech. In the end, Moreno-Torres had to insist that the remaining questions could be answered in the lobby of Granada Chamber of Commerce while the attendants had the opportunity to enjoy a glass of Spanish wine.

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